Student Blogging Challenge Week 4

Week 4 Introduction: Let’s Join Globally! Start using tags and categories with each post you write to make it easier for people to find posts on certain topics. Make sure you have the tags and categories widgets in your sidebar.

Activity 1

Join our Free Rice group called Student Blogging Challenge. Every answer you get right, means 10 grains of rice get donated to the World Food Program. Since October 2011, we have had 86 students join and donate 116,300 grains of rice. I wonder how many we could have by the end of Easter. Can you add a widget to Free Rice on your blog?

Activity 2 

Find a special celebration in one country of the world (other than the one you live in). Find three images of the event. Under each image, give an important detail about the event. Remember to include attribution for each image.

At the end of your post, write a bit more about the event for your visitors to read. Include a link to another website giving more information on the event. Finally, leave a question for your readers to answer.

Activity 3

Add at least five international blogs to your blogroll or links to get ready for a game we will hold after Easter.

Here is a link about how to add a blogroll to your sidebar.


Remember, I will be deleting any students who have mentors already allocated over the Easter break if:

  1. there is no About Me page or post visible – make sure the pages widget is in your sidebar if your pages don’t appear up in your header area
  2. there is not at least two other posts related to the challenge activities
  3. you haven’t been commenting back to your mentor
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Mr. Hoering


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