Week 13: November 6-10

  • SOAR: Independent Reading with Conferences
  • Mini-lesson: How to go back and revise a summary & precise claim
  • Practice/Collaboration: Revise and edit summaries & precise claims
  • SOAR:  Independent Reading with Conferences
  • Mini-lesson: How to write an argument using text evidence to probe the theme of a novel
  • Practice/Collaboration: Write argument using text evidence to support point #1
  • SOAR:  Independent Reading with Conferences
  • Mini-lesson: How to write an argument using text evidence to probe the theme of a novel
  • Practice/Collaboration: Write argument using text evidence to support point #2
  • SOAR:  Independent Reading with Conferences
  • Mini-lesson: How to write an argument using text evidence to probe the theme of a novel
  • Practice/Collaboration: Write argument using text evidence to support point #3
  • SOAR:  Independent Reading with Conferences
  • Mini-lesson: How to improve an argument by including a counterargument and rebuttal
  • Practice/Collaboration: Write counterargument and rebuttal. Then self-assess essay using checklist

Week 10: October 16-20

  1. SOAR – Independent Reading with Conferences
  2. Minilesson – Review how to analyze plot development throughout a story
  3. Book Club Presentation Creation
  1. SOAR – Library
  2. Minilesson – Review how to analyze character development throughout a story
  3. Book Club Presentation Creation
  1. SOAR – Independent Reading with Conferences
  2. Minilesson – Review how to analyze the development of a theme throughout a story
  3. Book Club Presentation Creation
  1. SOAR – Independent Reading with Conferences
  2. Minilesson – Review how to compare and contrast the structure of two stories
  3. Book Club Presentation Creation
  1. Culture & Belonging Post Test
  2. Publish Book Club Presentation
  3. Comment on other student projects

Week 9: October 9-12

  1. Independent Reading
  2. Minilesson – How to Compare Characters from Different Stories
  3. Small Group Work – Frayers, Brochures, and Signposts
  1. Independent Reading
  2. Minilesson – RACE: How does the main character in your novel compare to Margot in “All Summer in a Day”
  3. Small Group Work – Frayers, Brochures, and Signposts
  1. Independent Reading
  2. Minilesson – RACE: Does the main character in your novel respect his or her community? Explain your answer using details from the text to support your answer.
  3. Small Group Work – Frayers, Brochures, and Signposts
  1. Independent Reading
  2. Minilesson – Introduce Novel Projects
  3. Small Group Work – Frayers, Brochures, and Signposts
Friday Fall Break

Week 8: October 2-6

  1. The Difference Between Plot & Theme
  2. Book Clubs – Work on Novel Brochures
  3. Read Independently & Notice Signposts
  1. Library
  2. Mistakes Can Lead to Lessons
  3. Read Independently & Notice Signposts
  1. From Seed to Theme
  2. Book Clubs – Work on Vocabulary Frayer
  3. Read Independently & Notice Signposts
  1. Character Change Can Reveal Lessons
  2. Book Clubs – Work on Novel Brochures & Discuss Signposts
  3. Independently Read & Notice Signposts
  1. Theme Review
  2. Book Clubs – Finish Vocabulary Frayer & Novel Brochure
  3. Read Independently & Notice Signposts


Week 7: September 25-29

Congratulations of completing your journalism project! We are now ready to move on to our first reading unit about Culture & Belonging! Each student will be a part of a book club where you will choose a book to read together, set goals, and grow together as readers!

  1. Culture & Belonging Pre-Test
  2. Introduce literary vocabulary
  3. Introduce book clubs, set goals, and start reading!
  1. How do dialogue and plot events propel the action of a novel?
  2. Book Clubs – Work on novel brochure
  3. Independently read and notice signposts
  4. Share – How do signposts help you as a reader?
Wednesday JA IN A DAY
  1. How do dialogue and plot events reveal aspects of a character?
  2. Book Clubs – Work on novel brochure & discuss signposts
  3. Independently read and notice signposts
  4. Share – What signposts have you noticed already at the beginning of your novel?
  1. How to analyze a character’s point of view
  2. Book Clubs – Work on novel brochure & discuss signposts
  3. Publish blog post about novel & read independently
  4. Share – What has been the most important signpost that you have noticed this week?


Week 6: September 18-22

We are in the homestretch of our journalism unit! Your final drafts are due this Friday, so we will spend all week editing and revising the rough drafts that we submitted last Friday. Again, the deadline for your final draft is this Friday, September 22 during your class period.

    1. SOAR – Flipster Magazine
    2. Investigative Journalism – Mentor Text
    3. Citing Credible Sources

  1. Library
  2. SOAR – Flipster Magazine
  3. Investigative Journalism – Continue Editing and Revising
  1. SOAR – Flipster Magazine
  2. Investigative Journalism – Structure & Transition
  1. SOAR – Flipster Magazine
  2. Investigative Journalism – Writing a Good Ending
  1.  SOAR – Flipster Magazine
  2. Investigative Journalism – Publication Day!


Week 5: September 11-15

  1. SOAR – Students Own & Appreciate Reading
  2. Investigative Journalism Session 9 – Elaborate to deepen connections
    • Transitions
    • Cultural References
    • Student Rough Draft Example
  1. SOAR – Students Own & Appreciate Reading
  2. Investigative Journalism Session 10 – Writing partners
  1. SOAR – Students Own & Appreciate Reading
  2. Investigative Journalism Session 11 – Editing for publication
  1. SOAR – Students Own & Appreciate Reading
  2. Investigative Journalism Session 12 – Mentor text
  1. SOAR – Students Own & Appreciate Reading
  2. Investigative Journalism Session 13 – Research & questioning


Week 4: September 5-8

  1. Library
  2. Publish Newscast
  3. Comment on 2
  4. All done? Read!
  1. SOAR – Students Own & Appreciate Reading
  2. Survey
  3. Investigative Journalism Session 6 
    • Publish Newscast
    • Comment on 2
    • Choose a socially significant topic

While journalists do notice stories every day, the best journalists do more than that. They investigate issues that matter in their community, and they find the stories that reveal those issues. Then they craft news stories to illuminate those underlying issues.

Finding and Telling News Stories that Matter

  1. Focus on issues that are significant to the writer and the community.
  2. Gather words around an issue – say it in different ways to cast a net.
  3. Seek stories that illustrate that issue.
  1. SOAR – Students Own & Appreciate Reading
  2. Investigative Journalism Session 7

Journalists develop the action, dialogue, and setting. They do this not just to enliven their news stories, but also to highlight what they want to convey about the issue or lesson they are advancing. They especially harness these techniques to reveal their central ideas and to inspire their readers to feel compassion.

  1. SOAR – Students Own & Appreciate Reading
  2. Investigative Journalism Session 8 (more details coming soon!)


Week 3: August 28-September 1

  1. SRI Test
  2. SOARStudents Own & Appreciate Reading
  1. SOARStudents Own & Appreciate Reading
  2. Intro to OneNote
  3. Investigative Journalism Session 2
    • Observation
    • Write & Share
  1. SOARStudents Own & Appreciate Reading
  2. Reading Data
  3. Review Observations
  4. Investigative Journalism Session 3
    • Shared Experience
    • Mentor Text
    • Write & Share
  1. SOARStudents Own & Appreciate Reading
  2. Shared Experience Newscast
  3. Exemplar
  4. Newscast Brainstorm
  1. SOARStudents Own & Appreciate Reading
  2. Exemplar
  3. Publish Newscast // Comment on at least 2